As Jesus Christ sent the twelve disciples on a mission to make all the nations disciples of God, to baptize them and to proclaim the kingdom of God in Matthew 28:19. Pastor Sedar Shako was given the same task from Christ Jesus to go everywhere and bring the discipleship of Jesus Christ into the world. After serving in both Africa and the United States within different churches and positions to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, this talented man of God is now serving the Harris and Lake Park Methodists Churches. Pastor Sedar has been supported in his ministry by his loving wife Marcelline and their four beautiful daughters. Join one of our serves to hear the wonderful sermons presented by Pastor Sedar. He can be reached via email at [email protected]
Contact Pastor SEDAR
Amanda Money
Let’s face it – she is to the church what tools are to a contractor—an indispensable cog in the smoothly running machine that is the Harris and Lake Park Methodist Churches.
Please contact Amanda and keep her informed of any joys or concerns you would like to share with the congregation. Also in an effort to keep records up to date, notify her with any changes in address, telephone numbers or e-mail addresses.
Amanda has served as business office manager since January 2022.
Meet The Leadership Teams
Harris Leadership Team
- Cal Harms - Administrative Council Chair
- Gregg Hellinga - Lay Leader
- Val Riesberg - Treasurer
- Amy Bosma - Financial Secretary
- Scott Robertson- Staff Parish Relations Committee
- Rachelle Bosma & Laura Fiebig - Chair of Education
- Cheryl Dake - Chair of Outreach
- Becky Davis - Chair of Memorial
- Steve Bosma - Chair of Finance
- Noah Bosma - Chair of Trustees
- Judy Taber - Membership Secretary
- Cheryl Dake - Ad Council Secretary
- Julie Dillehay & LeAnn Ransom - Chair of Worship
Lake Park Leadership Team
- Jon Martin - Administrative Council Chair
- Fran Graham - Lay Leader
- Rebecca Luitjens - Lay member to Annual Conference
- Marie Matthiesen - Treasurer
- Emily Pool - Financial Secretary
- Becca Matthiesen - Staff Parish Relations Committee
- Jody Hellinga - Chair of Education
- Wanda Garloff - Sunday School Superintendent
- Scott Mitchell - Chair of Worship
- Judy Siemers - Chair of Outreach
- Alice Anderson - Chair of Memorial
- Laura Martin - Chair of Finance
- Joel Hellinga - Chair of Trustees
- Judy Taber - Membership Secretary
- Marie Matthiesen - Secretary of Ad Council
- Jennifer Krummen - United Methodist Women President
Meet The Youth Group Leaders
- Junior High - Bill Niemeier, Beth Krummen, Cari Wallace
- Senior High - Mel & Julie Zevenbergen, Matt Barnhart
- Confirmation - Dr. Emmanuel Naweji